Here's What Our
Customers Are Saying About
The Survival Seed Bank...
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"I Purchased several of your seed banks to store at my wilderness property in Oregon.
I just had to test the quality of the seeds so I planted some to see how they would do.
I was amazed at the number and strength of the sprouts, I wound up giving some of the plants away to friends because I had over planted expecting some would not sprout.
I have enclosed some pictures of the results. It gives me a feeling of security knowing that I have provided a means of growing food for my family in an emergency situation. Also I am very impressed with the long term storage method of the seeds. I have sealed and buried several canisters on my property and plan to add more in the future. Thank you for solving a problem I have been worried about for quite some time." |
-Mike Metzker |





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"You got my order out right away and I had it in hand in 2 days! Count them thats 2 days! I have yet to get so much as a tracking order from the other place even though the order was placed on July 1st and today at this writing is the 12th of July. No seeds, not tracking and I still don’t know if I will really get anything but they got paid and it showed up on my credit card statement already. I’m sure if they are honest I’ll get product but I wanted to praise you guys for no down talk about the competitors and just getting after it doing what you do best showing how its done by example not empty promises. Thanks." |
"I have to admit, I opened the canister right away to see whether or not the seeds were actually packaged in a way consistant with long-term storage, or if the cannister, itself, was supposed to be the clincher for keeping the seeds viable. I was delighted to see how well the seeds are packaged, and to see the great variety of nutritious food available to me when it comes time to plant for my harvest.
I am an experienced gardner, and can visualize how I would set up my garden, but honestly, there is more than enough information in the cannister for anyone to get started with it. The kit includes the highest quality seeds available, and a plan for planting even under tough soil conditions. I believe in being prepared. Now that I have my Survival Seed Bank, I feel prepared for facing a possible food shortage; prepared enough not to worry about myself, but to offer hope and food to my neighbors as well.
I have followed the instructions on the cannister to seal it and keep it in a cool dark place for future use. Here are some pictures of my raised bed garden last season, which included some of the varieties of seed in the Survival Seed Bank."
"Hi, our names are Jeff and Sue, living in Florida.
Four years ago a hurricane destroyed our home causing us to live in a 27' travel trailer for 3 years.
When a tragedy like that happens a person is so in shock for quite a while that it is terribly hard to think straight and make good decisions.
My husband and I both believe now that after purchasing two of the Seed Banks it is almost an imperative thing someone could do for survival.
This spring I am going to plant part of our second seed bank and keep the rest for any type of emergency we may have. Also these can be planted in large pots for those who think they do not have the room.
Growing these and canning some is just a terrific idea for any type of emergency this world may have.
We are more than pleased and shall keep purchasing the seed banks. THEY are worth every penny you pay! Stay alert; and stay prepared."
-Jeff and Sue Pugh
"I happen to be one of the victims of this current economic crisis, and I’m afraid it’s going to be geting MUCH MUCH worse before it gets any better. I really didn’t want to have to dip into my survival seed bank so early on in this crisis, but last summer we did. We planted only about 1/15 of an acre because we don’t have very much space. We are not really gardeners, so we were quite shocked to see just how much food that actually produced! We may be broke still, but I know we have probably never eaten this good or this healthy in our entire lives thanks to the survival seed bank! Even though I still have plenty of seed left to last me for years, I started doing some seed saving just for fun and I actually have more seeds now than I started with! We canned over 20 cases of quart jars and had to give a bunch of vegetables away to the neighbors because we ran out of jars. It’s so nice to know that no matter how bad things get I know my family and I will never go hungry, and I am so glad I invested in the survival seed bank when I had the money or I just don’t know where we would be today without it. Thank you so much for this great product.
P.S. The vegetables are way better than anything we have in the store, and I live in California!"
-Keith Allen |
"I just wanted to say that I did alot of research on survival seedbanks before purchasing your Survival Seedbank ...after looking at everything I could find on the internet I decided on your Survival of the reasons I chose yours was the fact that these are quality heirloom seeds that are vacuum sealed to assure they stay fresh and viable for up to 10 years until I, Lord forbid need to use them. The other reason I chose yours was the free instruction e-manual provided and the storage cylinder included to protect my purchase.
The price was very competitive, your prompt service was phenomenal!
I received my seedbank quickly and it included everything promised...this is a quality product and I am very pleased
Now I haven’t used it I am saving it for the unforeseen future need should it arise.....I have recommended you to everyone I know!"
-Darla Anderson |
"The Survival Seed bank is great!! While other seed banks come in little envelopes or cans and even costing 20 to 25 cents per seed, the Survival Seed bank comes with the most diverse selection with each variety sealed air tight in its own package for when you need them most (I could even bury it if I wanted to) and only costing about a penny or two per seed. Whether you are a gardener or just being prepared the Survival Seed bank is the most cost-effective way to do both."
-Evan Givan |
"What a wonderful idea !! We are always happy to talk about our garden.
This past year, we planted a garden a little larger than what we had done before, using the Survival Seel Bank seeds that we purchased from you. We had good success with our garden - and were able to can green beans, pickles -- and we froze lots of tomatoes. We found ourselves enjoying everything fresh from our garden - and should have saved more for preserving. We plan to do better, on that score, this year. This year we are planning a larger garden so we will have much more to can and freeze for future use. We feel we learned a lot this past year and will put that knowledge to good use this year for an even greater yield. Since we are "beginners" we appreciated all of the helpful information provided with the seeds, as well as the book on canning and preserving (stockpiling). There is so much valuable information provided - we find ourselves referring to it often... and learning how to be more self-sufficient.
Thank you." |
Sincerely, -Roger and Arlene Jones |
"I bought 2 survival seed banks. I also purchased the Grow Like Crazy products as well. I believe that having survival seeds are just as essential as buying dehydrated foods. As you eat the dehydrated foods, you can grow the garden using the seeds. The expression, "Feed a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." I sincerely believe it is both needed. If you teach a man to fish, it takes time to learn a skill and what do you live on in the meantime?! You still have to eat while you learn. That's where the expression, "earn while you learn" came from. That's why I bought both seeds and seed fertilzer. To grow the food faster and have more nutrition may make the difference between life and death just as much as the seeds and fertilzer and dehydrated foods. I highly recommend all these products." |
-Dililah |
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